8th graders doing reaearch and writing persuasive letters for the Great Mail Race of 2017. Who will get the first letter back!?
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Getting geared up for today's eclipse with safety training and information on what to watch for.
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
DeKalb Lady Tigers Beat Jefferson Earning First Pkace in the Bronze Division at the Cameron Tournament
over 7 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Tiger Pride Band and the cheerleaders supporting our football team!
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Eclipse Activties for Monday! http://5il.co/1p3c
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
CAIV critically thinking to solve a mystery.
over 7 years ago, Elizabeth Hershley
4th graders using their new Chromebooks!!!
over 7 years ago, Yvonne Black
First graders practicing on their computer skills in the elementary lab.
over 7 years ago, Kerri House
Middle School/High School Library Genre of the Month!
over 7 years ago, Lori Fordyce
Cameron Softball Tourney Bracket for Sat. Aug. 19th http://5il.co/1oe9
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
DeKalb 4 stanberry 8 Softball Jamboree
over 7 years ago, Cody Jenkins
DeKalb 4 stewartsville 4 softball jamboree
over 7 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Join us tonight for Open House at DeKalb and Rushville from 6-7pm.
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
DeKalb Cheer ready to march!!! DeKalb Homecoming!!
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
DeKalb football team!! DeKalb Homecoming Parade!
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
Bus Driver Needed!!!! http://5il.co/1mzt
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
2017 Solar Eclipse Schoo Info http://www.bcr4.org/article/21052
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews
Correction for middle school football practice. Practice will be 3:00-5:30 on Monday.
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Information about Friday's football jamboree at South Nodaway starting at 6pm. http://5il.co/1md3
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Softball Jamboree Schedule starts at 4pm 8/15/17 Game 1:    Stewartsville vs. Dekalb Game 2:    DeKalb vs. Stanberry Game 3:    Stanberry vs. Stewartsville
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews