8th graders doing reaearch and writing persuasive letters for the Great Mail Race of 2017. Who will get the first letter back!?

Getting geared up for today's eclipse with safety training and information on what to watch for.

DeKalb Lady Tigers Beat Jefferson Earning First Pkace in the Bronze Division at the Cameron Tournament

Tiger Pride Band and the cheerleaders supporting our football team!

Eclipse Activties for Monday!

CAIV critically thinking to solve a mystery.

4th graders using their new Chromebooks!!!

First graders practicing on their computer skills in the elementary lab.

Middle School/High School Library Genre of the Month!

Cameron Softball Tourney Bracket for Sat. Aug. 19th

DeKalb 4 stanberry 8 Softball Jamboree

DeKalb 4 stewartsville 4 softball jamboree

Join us tonight for Open House at DeKalb and Rushville from 6-7pm.

DeKalb Cheer ready to march!!! DeKalb Homecoming!!

DeKalb football team!! DeKalb Homecoming Parade!

Bus Driver Needed!!!!

2017 Solar Eclipse Schoo Info

Correction for middle school football practice. Practice will be 3:00-5:30 on Monday.

Information about Friday's football jamboree at South Nodaway starting at 6pm. http://5il.co/1md3

Softball Jamboree Schedule starts at 4pm 8/15/17
Game 1: Stewartsville vs. Dekalb
Game 2: DeKalb vs. Stanberry
Game 3: Stanberry vs. Stewartsville