Mrs. Matthews' third graders showing their Tiger Spirit!!! Good Luck Tigers!!!
over 7 years ago, Terri Matthews
Mrs. Matthews' Third Graders showing their Tiger Spirit!!! GO TIGERS!!
over 7 years ago, Terri Matthews
I want to thank my 8th graders that worked on our sign the past week as well as their parents who let them stay after or come in to work on it! I would also like to thank the Gillis, Griffin, Spencer, and Cassidy families for the donuts this morning! It was greatly appreciated! I would also like to say "Good Luck!" to the Tigers tonight as they play in their Homecoming game and to both softball teams tomorrow in the Mid-Buchanan tourney (at Heritage Park in St. Joe)! Please come and support these teams if you don't have other plans! 🐯
over 7 years ago, Sierra Matthews
Tiger pride on display during our afternoon homecoming activities!
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
We are so proud of Miss Hayner for receiving the prestigious Pi Omega Pi scholarship from NWMSU! Congratulations!
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
NHS will be sponsoring a blood drive on November 1st from 2:00 - 6:00 in the DHS commons. If you would like to donate, you can set up an appointment by contacting an NHS member, or Mr. Wilson.
over 7 years ago, Josh Wilson
Middle School Softball Double Header: DeKalb 9 Lathrop 0 and DeKalb 7 Lathrop 2
over 7 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
PTO will host their annual Tiger Spirit Cart at Rushville Elementary tomorrow, September 22. Notes were sent home with details. Go Tigers!
over 7 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Sophomores working on their Homecoming spirit sign this morning!
over 7 years ago, Bridget Zabel
Anatomy students are practicing anatomical drawings of tissues in the body.
over 7 years ago, Josh Wilson
The cheerleaders will have a pep rally after the competitions. Homecoming coronation starts at 6:30pm followed by our game against the Muskets! Come on out for the fun!
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Homecoming week at DHS! STUCO Jersey auction is tonight after the softball game. Homecoming activities begin at 1pm with the powder puff game, followed by the class punt, pass, and kick competition.
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Spanish 2 asking and answering questions to find out where places around town are on their maps!
over 7 years ago, McKenzie Reagan
Mrs. Everett's Algebra 2 class studying the absolute value graph using Geogebra.
over 7 years ago, Hannah Everett
3rd Hour
3rd Hour
High School Softball: DeKalb 8 Northeast Nodaway 4
over 7 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Middle School Sodtball: DeKalb 15 Northeast Nodaway 0
over 7 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Mrs. T's 8th grade Language Arts class analyzing a mystery and working collaboratively to create a mind map.
over 7 years ago, D Taylor
Congratulations to our middle school football team for beating Stewartsville tonight 36-20! 2-1 on the year. Way to go Tigers!
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Due to today's rescheduling of softball, the STUCO jersey auction will now be held Wednesday night after the game.
over 7 years ago, Brian Hansen
Softball for today has been postponed due to field conditions. Games re-scheduled for Wednesday Sept 20th @ 4:30pm
over 7 years ago, Aaron Matthews