Lost & Found-Does any of this belong to your family? Students may pick items up tomorrow.
Celebrating the 100th day of school! Students dressed the part, made predictions, developed math bonds, wrote stories, and produced a booklet on this special day!
On Groundhog Day these second graders traced and recorded shadows throughout the day, designed ways to prevent the groundhog from seeing its shadow, and wrote and presented their own weather forecast!
Junior High Track Schedule is located in the link below.
Tiger Basketball Update: no games tonight at Jefferson due to weather. Games are resheduled for tomorrow night starting at 6:30 varsity only
Tiger basketball news: games at Jefferson start at 5 tonight with 1 quarter of jv girls followed by 2 quarters of jv boys then varsity girls and boys
Individual goals are set every two weeks. Some students choose goals to learn about new things.
Mrs. Matthews’ class building elevators for their groundhogs.
Ms. Henderson's 2nd grade celebrated the 102nd day of school. Some dressed up like Super Old Second Graders and others as Super Second Grade Heroes.
The high school AG students sharing about poultry with Mrs. Matthews’ third graders.
It was a great night to have alumni join the band! Classes from ‘02-‘17 were represented.
We’d like to thank all of the alumni who came out to cheer us on tonight! A special congratulations to the classes of 1976, 1977, 1978, 2017 for having the most in attendance and winning the Alumni Spirit Stick!
Tiger Basketball News: games tomorrow night against West Platte will start at 5:00 with 2 quarters of JV bogs and girls followed by Varsity
100th day fun!!! Building a tower using 100 straws with 4th graders and kindergartners.
100th day fun!!! Building a tower using 100 straws with 4th graders and kindergartners.
DHS Alumni, don't forget about the Alumni Night this Friday @ 6 PM. See the Tigers take on Mound City. Alumni receive student admission pricing. Spirit stick awarded to class with largest attendance!
CAIII students learned vocab for "Pride and Prejudice" by filling out a Frayer model and having a snowball fight. The kids had a good time!
JV Tigers lose a close one 23-22.
JV Lady Tigers take down Maysville 36-26 with a strong second half!
Preschool and Kindergarten Screenings February 26-March 2
Call the elementary at 688-7777 to make an appointment for your child.