We 2nd graders thank you, and wish everyone a very safe & relaxing Labor Day!
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Reddick
The 2nd grade invited family members to share their time and talents as they spoke and presented their jobs to help us celebrate Labor Day. We were visited by Mrs. Davis- a nursing instructor, Mrs. Eastbourn- an X-Ray technician, Mrs. & Mr. Winders- a nurse & conservation agent, Mr. Solomon- a plumber, and Mr.Pilcher- a water treatment & hide specialist.
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Reddick
Sept 6th is High School and Middle School Pictures not Elementary. Sorry for the confusion
over 5 years ago, Stacy Downing
School pictures are set for Friday, September 6th starting first thing in the morning. Students can pick up forms in the office.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Downing
Ag II students had the chance to meet and participate in a workshop directed by National FFA Officer Jordan Stowe this week.
over 5 years ago, Aaron Medsker
National Officer Workshop
National Officer Workshop
National Officer Workshop
National Officer Workshop
Ag II students had the chance to meet and participate in a workshop directed by National FFA Officer Jordan Stowe this week.
over 5 years ago, Aaron Medsker
Yearbook class is working hard on the 2019-2020 yearbook.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Collier
Yearbook Class
Softball Jamboree for tomorrow is CANCELLED due to weather conditions and field conditions.
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Link to the Cameron Softball Tournament Sept 6-7 https://5il.co/9r6m
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Softball Jamboree is tomorrow at Stanberry. DeKalb Lady Tigers will play at: 4:30 against Stanberry on South Field 5:30 against Albany on North Field 6:30 against Stewartsville on North Field Entry Fee is a canned food item per person, ages 5 and under free
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
More scores from football Jamboree North Andrew 18 DeKalb 6 Platte Valley 12 DeKalb 12
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Football Jamboree scores so far Pattonsburg 18- DeKalb 12
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
If you are traveling to the Football Jamboree, you need to take Exit 68 off of Interstate 35.
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
DeKalb FFA members showed at the Missouri State Fair this past weekend. Drake Miller, Wyatt Miller and CJ Donaldson showed their hogs that they have been working with all summer. Congrats to these students for all their hard work and for participating at this level!
over 5 years ago, Aaron Medsker
Drake State Fair 2019
CJ State Fair 2019
Wyatt State Fair 2019
Congratulations to BCR-IV graduate Elizabeth Gunter. Elizabeth was notified she will be receiving the American FFA Degree. This is the highest degree a student can receive in FFA. Elizabeth is only the 5th student from DeKalb FFA to achieve this honor!
over 5 years ago, Aaron Medsker
Kindergarten is officially Playdoh certified! This week we have been learning how to appropriately use different school supplies. It’s been fun!
over 5 years ago, Katie Crockett
Playdoh tools
Using our Playdoh tools.
Students who completed the summer reading program at St. Joe Public Library got a frozen treat and an extra story time in the library this week! Way to go, guys!
over 5 years ago, Melanie Sheppard
Students at Rushville Elementary who completed the summer reading program.
Reminder for Juniors that Jostens will be here Thursday morning at 7:25 to take class ring orders. A $60 deposit is required at the time of your order.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Downing
Schedule for Football Jamboree at Pattonsburg this Friday (8-23) Game 1 6:00 Pattonsburg vs Dekalb Game 2 6:30 Platte Valley vs N. Andrew Game 3 Platte Valley vs Pattonsburg Game 4 N. Andrew vs Dekalb Game 5 Dekalb vs Platte Valley Game 6 Pattonsburg vs N. Andrew
over 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
The St. Joseph School District is closing 2 hours early today due to heat so our Hillyard's students will be dismissed at 11:05 today.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Downing