In library this week, first graders learned about snowflakes and practiced making their own with marshmallows and toothpicks!
about 5 years ago, Melanie Sheppard
First graders making snowflakes
Mid Buchanan JV game has been cancelled due to rescheduling Mound City game that night. 2Q of Girls and Boys JV followed by Varsity. Games will start at 5 at DeKalb High School
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Osborn Tournament 2nd Round Tuesday Jan. 14th Boys vs Stewartsville @ 4:30 Girls vs Orrick @6:00 BOTH GAMES AT STEWARTSVILLE
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Girls and Boys teams back in action tomorrow at Stewartsville, in the Osborn Tournament. Girls play at 4:30 and Boys at 6
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Third grade engineers building bridges in Science.
about 5 years ago, Terri Matthews
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
Ms. Wilson’s class put the Grinch on trial. The jury from Mrs. Blacks class found him guilty and sentenced him to 10 years.
about 5 years ago, Courtney Wilson
The Grinch on the witness stand.
Cindy Lou Who
Dewey Benefit for tonight is postponed to later date.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Games for tonight against Mound City are cancelled make up date will be set next week.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Congratulations to those students chosen by their peers for demonstrating compassion during the month of December.
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Congratulations to Zoie Novak for receiving Honorable Mention for the Start With Hello Student Voices Contest in the Visual Art category. Students from across the country submitted entries and the Sandy Hook Promise staff and Promise Leaders chose the award-winning submissions. Thank you to Ms. Whitman for entering the artwork. Way to go Zoie!!!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
Sandy Hook
Celebrating Red Friday in our buildings tomorrow! Wear your Chiefs gear.
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Dittemore
FFA members attended the Greenhand Motivational Conference yesterday at Missouri Western. Members learned about FFA opportunities as they start their FFA careers. Area Officer Taylor Fisher assisted with the activities.
about 5 years ago, Aaron Medsker
Greenhand Conference 2019
Taylor GMC
GMC 2019
Varsity girls lost.
about 5 years ago, Tanner Lawson
Tiger basketball is in action at home vs. Platte Valley. JV girls lost 16-12 JV boys lost 21-11 Varsity girls up next.
about 5 years ago, Tanner Lawson
Osborn Tournament Brackets, please notice the locations of games are now Osborn and Stewartsville.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Winter Activities pictures will be taken January 16th. Forms are available in the office for students.
about 5 years ago, Stacy Downing
Here is the Flyer for the Dewey Family. Benefit will take place on Friday Jan. 10. 2020 in the Commons at DeKalb High School. Benefit.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
The link below is information for the 49th Annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. If your child is between the age of 9-14 as of Jan, 1 2020, they can compete. For other information please read flyer.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Basketball in action this week at HOME on Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday- against Platte Valley 5:00 start with 2Q JV Girls/Boys(5:30), with varsity to follow. Friday- against Mound City 5:00 start with 2Q JV Girls/Boys(5:30), with varsity to follow.
about 5 years ago, Cody Jenkins
Varsity boys lose 36-32.
about 5 years ago, Tanner Lawson