District Basketball is around the corner. Here is the Boys District Bracket!!! Click on the link
Fridays basketball games against Stewartsville @ DeKalb will start at 6, with Varsity games only. Coronation will be after the boys game.
Courtwarming Coronation will be after the games on Friday, February 14th. Courtwarming Dance will be Saturday, February 15th from 8p.m. to 11p.m. in the commons.
Thank you for supporting the Dewey Benefit! So far $4586 has been collected. A special shout out to Mrs. Mary & Mrs. Vicki for organizing the event. It's a great day to be a Tiger!
Games tomorrow at South Holt will be Varsity only starting at 6 pm
Cheer Clinic 2020
Tiger Basketball for the week:
2/10- 2Q JV Girls&Boys @ at 5, Varsity to follow@ DeKalb
2/11- 2Q JV Girls&Boys @ at 5, Varsity to follow with games @ South Holt
2/14-2Q JV Girls&Boys @ 5, Varsity to follow. Games are at DeKalb. Court warming festivities after Boys Varsity game
JV Boys is cancelled for tonight at Nodaway Holt due to sickness. Varsity Girls will start at 6 with Boys to follow.
The fifth graders are showing the first graders how to make three dimensional shapes.
Union Star make-up date has been set for Feb. 21st. Games will be at DeKalb starting at 6 with only two games that night.
The first graders are learning how sound travels.
More How to Stop Bullying classes
Officer Rickey and Ms. Whitman have been presenting additional lessons on How to Stop Bullying in K-6th grades.
Red Wednesday-The district will be celebrating a Super Bowl Championship tomorrow by wearing CHIEF'S gear!! 😊
A morning power outage created excitement among our students as we worked to make a positive learning environment.
The Book Fairy brought books for Ms. Wilson’s 5th grade class
Congratulations to Conner, Laci, Ceci, and Gable for a perfect score on the Safe Online Surfing test. Third through Sixth grade classes participated which was a review of what we learned in computer class last semester. Some of the things we learned about were cyber bullying, password safety and how to be an upstander. The test is a creation of the FBI. They compare each school across the USA and rank the top ten for the month. We held the honor of 9th in the nation until a few schools pulled ahead of us on the last day.
First grade celebrating 100 days of school like it was 100 years ago. We counted 100 items and created charts during Math.
Schedule for Tiger Basketball (Feb.3-7)
Feb. 3rd @ North Platte, JV G&B (2 quarters each) @ 5:00, varsity to follow
Feb. 4th @ North Nodaway JV Boys @ 5:30, varsity to follow
Feb.7th @ Nodaway Holt JV Boys @5:30, varsity to follow.
We had fun celebrating our Chiefs in the Super Bowl!