And more....
And more.....
More faces.....
Pics from our packet delivery last week. It was exciting to see so many faces!!
Students, thanks for working hard on your packets this week! We'll be back at the end of next week with another. It was great to see you!!
Thank you parents for delivering homework packets. You're awesome!!! You may use the container at the front door if nobody is at school.
The DeKalb FFA greenhouse is now closed as we have sold out of plants. I want to thank you for your support this year and look forward to serving you again next year!
Don't forget to participate in spirit week!! We want to see you!!!!
Our 2nd grade family is staying connected with learning through ZOOM classroom. We’re observing & charting information with plants,working with tables,and writing about our lives using our heart (sight) & priority words. Look @ the growth in “Sweet Sue” on week #4. WOW!
Parents-The due date for senior ads has been extended to May 30th. You can retrieve the order form, choose your ad size, and compose your message on
Today elementary students will receive a May Day art activity in their packets. Enjoy. Please share your pictures as you deliver your May Day baskets on May 1st. 🐝 Creative!
We miss our Tigers!
Additional educational supplements will be delivered via bus routes this Thursday, April 23rd between 11AM & Noon for RES students. DHS students should continue to check on-line &/or e-mails. Free WIFI access available @ both buildings from front parking lots. PWord Tiger
2nd graders are working hard with their writing, money, & science skills; you are all doing a terrific job! Thank you to all of you who are working with your children & their teachers; our teamwork is keeping the learning process alive! Way To Go!
STUCO elections for 20-21 were conducted during distance learning. All offices ran uncontested. Congratulations to the following:
President: Allison Post
Vice-President: Ashtyn Griffin
Secretary: Natalyn Killoren
Treasurer: Rebekah Gunter
Parliamentarian: Landon Williams.
FFA Plant Sale starts this Friday April 24 from 7:30 AM to 5 PM.See flyer for more details! Due to Covid-19 precautions I can only allow 1 person/family in the greenhouse at a time for a 10 minute time limit. Please bring exact cash or a check. Thank you!
Hi 2nd graders! Sue’s growth @ week#3, notice new growth, stem went from 1-3”s & more leaves, please chart! Proud of the work you are doing on your stories & habitat writing, great job!
Thank you students for completing your work!! Hug your parents, grandparents, siblings, and care givers for assisting you and returning it.